Well its true, we moved to Nebraska. Its alot bigger area for Jake to work and he will do alot better out here! It's kinda crazy to have to move around alot, but its fun to have some kinda of adventure! There were some pictures of us at Winter Quarters, the temple is closed for cleaning so we could'nt go. BUt in a week we will be able to go! Im excited :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
For thoese of ya'll that didn't get to see this video of our wedding day, here it is! Its just the same day edit, so there is no reception on here. Just click the link and scroll down to Jake and Lindsey :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How it Began...

So 3 long cold months passed and It was the start of the new year. I remember one night in January we went out for FHE to the Stake Presidents house. Jake came in and i had to take a double look b/c i knew i had seen him around before, and then it clicked, he was the boy that i have talked to before he went out on his world travels. He then looked over at me and smiled and tried to get my attention b/c i was wearing a UofU shirt. I thought to myself who is this boy...( i am not going to give him any attention at all!!) The next couple of weeks went by and i had seen him out and about and there was a casual hi that went back and forth. Then out of no where he was always where i was hanging out with the same people and going to the same events. We started to become really really good friends! WE would go to volleyball games, go camping, go out to dinner, watch the office together, go to baseball games together, and go to the pool and hot tub,we just had so much fun! I never really liked him more then a friend... i just always thought...Jake Palmer, one of my best friends!
That semester was finally over and it was time for him to go out selling for the summer! i have to say i was really sad :( My best friend was going to leave me for 4 months! we talked on the phone every night and texted all day, He had told me he really liked me, but i wasn't sure if i was starting to like him or not... i don't think i was ready for that. Finally the summer was over and he came back! A couple weeks went by and i went on dates with a bunch of different guys, but i always came back to Jake and would love to see him after my dates. There was one sunday when i saw him at church and i had finally made up my mind... i wanted to date him! I called him up on my way home from family dinner at aunt suz and uncle jeffs and told him i wanted to talk with him... We then dated for about 2 weeks and i was already headed down to St. George to Meet his family. After that weekend we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend and that's how it all began!! I couldn't have asked for a better Husband!
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