At Dave and Busters racing cars!
Well we have been here in Ohio for over a month now and I still haven't blogged. After the FULL 2 day drive we arrived and were very excited to explore what we would be calling home for the next couple of months! We live in Dublin, it's an outskirt of Columbus, The area is very green and has so many walking trails (reminds me very much of Sugar Land). The weather has been kinda crazy since we've been here and hasn't stayed at all consistent... One day its rainy, the next day its sunny, then cold, then burning hot... I just cant keep up. Another thing that reminds me of home is the humidity!! Its not as bad as Houston, but we do miss those dry, perfect summer nights in Utah!
Jake's schedule out here is so crazy. He typically has his meetings around 11:30-12:00 then goes out and start knocking and doesn't get home until 930 or 10!! Its a weird schedule, but its something we've just had to adapt to!
NOW I know where Josh gets his Ohio State pride! Everyone out here is crazy for that team! one of these weekends we plan on walking around Ohio State campus to go see the famous Horseshoe!
All in all we are having a blast out here! Meeting new people and going to to new places! The best part about it is we get to do it together :)